Excimer Laser Phototherapy Lamp KN-5000C Portable
PORTABLE EXCIMER LASER 308NM UV PHOTOTHERAPY KN-5000CThe Excimer range is the Rolls Royce of new te..
Excimer Laser Phototherapy Lamp KN-5000E Handheld
EXCIMER LASER 308nm UV PHOTOTHERAPY KN-5000EThe Excimer range is the Rolls Royce of new technology ..
Excimer Laser Phototherapy Lamp KN-5000F Handheld
KN-5000F HANDHELD XeCI 308nm LASER PHOTOTHERAPYThe Excimer range is the Rolls Royce of new technolo..
Excimer Laser Phototherapy Lamp KN-5000G Handheld
KN-5000G 308nm EXCIMER LASER PHOTOTHERAPY The Excimer range is the Rolls Royce of ne..
UVB 1/2 Cabin KN-4004B
UVB PHOTOTHERAPY PSORIASIS WRAP LAMP 4004BThis great quality, UV-B Phototherapy ..
UVB Bulb
UVB phototherapy medical bulb fits Kernalmed KN-4003 (hand held with comb attachment accessory) and ..
UVB Full Panel Lamp KN-4004B1
KN-4004B1 FULL PANEL on TROLLY This great quality, UV-B Phototherapy Lamp is a drug free, clin..
UVB Light (Comb) KN-4003BL
UVB NARROWBAND LAMP WITH COMB ATTACHMENT 4003BLQuality, affordable handheld UV-B Phototh..
UVB Light (Duel Bulb) KN-4006BL
UV-B NARROWBAND LAMP DUEL BULB FREESTANDING 4006BLThis quality, affordable freestanding/..
UVB Light (Wrap around) KN-4002B1
UVB PHOTOTHERAPY PSORIASIS WRAP LAMP 4002B1This great quality, UV-B Phototherapy La..
UVB Light Battery Wand KN-4003B2
KN-4003B2 UVB PHOTOTHERAPY PSORIASISIndications: Psoriasis, Vitiligo, eczema, Pityriasis RoseaCerti..
UVB Phototherapy 1/2 Panel KN-4002B2
UVB LAMP 1/2 PANEL KN-4002B2This great quality, UV-B Phototherapy Lamp is a drug free, c..
UVB Phototherapy light Touch Screen KN-4006B1
UVB PHOTOTHERAPY PSORIASIS TOUCH SCREEN LAMP 4006B1This great quality, affordable table ..